Wednesday 5 January 2011

"L'erreur est humaine!"

Here are we, marvellously seemingly white as snow, following one another without using our eyes, heads or even hearts.

Approaching, flocking dangerously near the cliff where the brainwashed leader of the pack tells us to go.

He, himself does not know!

He has been told the same, the same that has been carried on by generations and generations of false interpretations, weaknesses and downright falsehoods.

All are shining, bright with the stupidity of errors repeated and accumulated, blind automatons without hearts.

The multitude of the different flocks following different shepherd is an incongruous mass of barbarism played and replayed at each generations, leading them further away from the truth, from their true self.

They witness massacres done in the name of re-ashed falsehoods accepting them without the blink of an eyelid, without a tear.

It is at he, who would show his most technical skills at fooling the flock that they believe and give their votes.

 Scared of falling they are, but in their acceptance of crimes which they blame on their gods and deities, their are certainly falling 'en masse', and do not deserve the word humanity.

What breaks your heart does not build it.

 Gods have no appetites to be avenged!

Humanity builds its own downfall in a fantastic comi/tragedy of errors as grotesque as one another loosing themselves doing so.

Where does it stop? It takes one to know his/her own heart and listen to it instead of believing others with their own agendas.

Regain yourself, be yourself, be a true Human.

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